Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Updates

All I can say is that I can feel myself making progress. I, for a fact, know that I am making progress and I thought it would take me years and years. But no, already, it is fading and I couldn't have been more happier about that.
Out of sheer desperation, I ended up sending a text to him, saying that even though it may be too late, I wanted to wish him Ramadan Mubarak, it was so painful because last Ramadan was so different than this year's. I shared a joke, actually it was a 'blonde' moment of mine, and I brought it up in that text. In response, I get a smart-ass comment, along the lines of, "Lol, actually...da da da da" as in correcting me. God, how can people change? Why do they change in a manner that it's pretty much considered frightening? It frightens me. I don't believe I've ever changed as much as I know some people who have.

As for my happy updates, my secret of being happy is to be thankful for the things I have, rather than complain about what I don't have. Just sitting and pondering for two minutes, and I end up with endless blessings, Alhumdullilah.
Even something as simple as a family, a mother, a father, sisters. Not everyone has the blessing of living their lives in the presence of a mother and father, not everyone has the blessing of having siblings which are more like the 'bffs' lol.
Not everyone has the luxury of good food every single day, day and night. I think about all the times I've wanted to eat something and how eventually, I end up doing just that, Subhanallah! Either the same day, or the next, or maybe a couple days later...
not everybody gets to live in a cozy home, have a cozy, warm bed to sleep in, drink cold fresh water whenever thirsty, have an education, have good clothes, nice hair, fair skin, a pretty smile (haha...I'm just kinda rambling now about things I like about myself..or things I have) oh and i've been skinny all my life! I love being skinny, all thanks to the fast metabolism : ) I eat plenty but never seem to gain anything.
It's like every moment, wherever I am, I search for reasons to be thankful, and I smile and laugh so much more. i'm learning to let go, and I thank Allah swt for that. I just feel like Allah swt is helping me, he's not doing the work for me, but he's giving me the strentgth to do it on my own. Because that's the only way I'll take something away from this. I've finally found something to lean on, to depend on.
Even just sitting here, typing, is a blessing! I am only able to do this because I have eyesight, I have fingers and a functioning nervous system (by the way, everyone should take anatomy once in their lifetime, you'll be thanking day and night for having everything function properly inside our bodies, it truly is such a big blessing)
which comes down to good health, the most 'unhealthy' I've ever been is by becoming sick, or catching a flu, coughing sneezing and nothing more.

I have people in my life who love me and care for me, so why care about the ones who don't?
i have dreams, goals, and things I want to do in life. No one is responsible for what I become except for myself. Only by how determined, and how hard I work to achieve what I want to achieve is what will matter.
I believe, the best way to let go of someone is not by remembering things they've said to you before, you know what I'm talking about, the good ol' mushy stuff, because actually, those were all lies! if any of those things said meant anything, then there's no way anyone would suffer from heart break.
It's important to realize that some cliche sayings actually are for benefit. "He's not worth your time," is so cliche, but you know what? it's true. Gotta run.

2 comments: said...

where are you? I hope you're doing Ok.

*MuslimChica* said...

Wasalaam! Haha I'm right here, just got wrapped up with school, I'm a senior so most of my time is spent stressing over which schools to apply =)